These no-prep printables are perfect for teaching the life cycle of a dragonfly. Add them to your spring and summer homeschool plans.
With these free homeschool printables, kids can learn how dragonflies grow, the parts of a dragonfly, and more.
This worksheet packet is designed for use by kids in early elementary grades – roughly ages 6-10.

We love these activities, and they’re perfect for your insect or dragonfly theme.
Because these worksheets require no prep, they’re perfect for busy moms and teachers alike.
Add these printables to your activity bank as summer draws on.
Life Cycle of a Dragonfly
You can have your children work on one page at a time. Or, you can bind them into a fun life cycle workbook to complete at your leisure this summer.

In this worksheet packet, you’ll find eight worksheets that are sure to engage your students this fall.
Print and laminate the dragonfly life cycle diagram. Use this page to teach your students the four stages of the life cycle of a dragonfly.
Print and laminate the parts of a dragonfly diagram. Use this page to teach your students the parts of a dragonfly and a few fun facts about dragonflies.

Dragonfly Vocabulary
On this page, kids will define vocabulary words relating to the life cycle of a dragonfly. Words include molt, thorax, odonata, multifaceted eyes, and abdomen.
Venn Diagram
This page is perfect for comparing and contrasting a dragonfly and another insect of your child’s choice.
Dragonfly Identification Worksheet
This graphic organizer is a great place to record information about dragonflies. They’ll draw a picture of the dragonfly, describe what it looks like, where it’s found, and more.
Once this graphic organizer is complete, kids can use the information recorded to write a report on a separate page.

Life Cycle Sequencing
Children will write a sentence about each stage of the dragonfly life cycle. Be sure to include the vocabulary words featured on the left side of the page.
Parts of a Dragonfly
Using the word bank, kids will label the parts of a dragonfly. Then, they’ll plug those words into the paragraph about dragonflies at the bottom of the page.
On this page, kids will record what dragonflies can do, what they have, and what they are. This is another page that allows kids to write and use vocabulary words.

Fill your book basket with a great collection of books about dragonflies. Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore.
If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.
Little Ant and the Dragonfly – When Buddy Ant pushes Little Ant into a puddle, Little Ant insists that he did it on purpose. The dragonfly saw everything, and he agrees to tell the other insects the truth about what happened. But whose “truth” will he tell?
Life Cycles: Dragonflies – A basic overview of the life cycle of a dragonfly.
Are You a Dragonfly? – The most colorful wings on the pond belong to the nimble dragonfly, but this delicate flying insect didn’t begin life in the air. The secrets of metamorphosis are unfurled through the story of a familiar backyard creature.

Teaching Resources
This set of hand-painted wooden dragonflies will help preschoolers practice counting, matching, and even stacking.
Here’s another fun set of wooden insects. This one includes an adorable dragonfly along with 4 more bugs.
Spring and summer are the perfect time of year to study dragonflies. This pack of dragonfly life cycle worksheets features 20 hands-on activities!
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