Free printable reading logs for home or classroom use! These are perfect for summer reading logs, daily reading logs, and more. Great for all ages.
My daughter loves to read, and she has had a big time with our local library’s summer reading program. As with most summer reading programs, she had to turn all of her reading logs in to the library in order to earn prizes.
So, I made some for her so she could keep a running record of what she’s been reading.
I added these reading logs to my kids homeschool work binders, and I challenged them to fill one a month. Sometimes they did. Sometimes they didn’t. But they always loved looking back over how much they DID read at the end of the school year.
Free Printable Reading Logs
A reading log is a great tool that helps teachers, parents, and children track what’s being read throughout the school year.
The brightly colored borders and graphics on these free printables for kids make them perfect for both boys and girls of all ages.
Mom can record books she reads aloud to younger kids. She can also list books her beginning readers are reading on their own.
Kindergarten and early elementary kids can track their books, and mom can use it as handwriting practice.
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Need help deciding what to read?
Sometimes, I let my kids pick their own books to read. We go to the library, and they fill their book bags with anything and everything they’re interested in.
Other times, I assign books based on our current topic of study or from the reading list I created for them. I spend time every summer making a reading list, and I make their list from a variety of resources.
My favorite list to look at, and the one I go to first, is from Sonlight. I get their catalog and peruse it as I contemplate what to include on my kids’ reading lists from year to year.
I also like to look through the list of books on Ambleside Online. AO is an online literature-based curriculum. Its book lists are divided into years (K-12). I’ve never used the site as a curriculum, but I love their book recommendations.
How do I decide what they’ll read?
When I sit down to make our reading lists for the year, I take a few things into consideration. Sometimes, I assign books to specific school years/grade levels. I remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird in ninth grade, and I assigned it to each of my kids in the ninth grade.
Other times, I pick from one of the two lists I mentioned above. I choose books based on our history cycle or what we’re studying in science. Or, I assign a book just because I enjoyed it as a child/student and want them to experience it, as well.
What books go on the reading list?
What books go on the reading lists is totally up to you. You can have separate lists for books read for school versus books read for pleasure. Or, you can combine them all on one page.
The beauty is that, as a homeschool parent, you choose whichever method works best for your needs.
Books to Help You Build Book Lists
Fill your bookshelves with a great collection of books that recommend good books! Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore.
If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.
The Read-Aloud Family – Connecting deeply with our kids can be difficult in our busy, technology-driven lives. Reading aloud offers us a chance to be fully present with our children. It also increases our kids’ academic success, inspires compassion, and fortifies them with the inner strength they need to face life’s challenges.
Jim Trelease’s Read-Aloud Handbook – Jim Trelease’s Read-Aloud Handbook offers proven techniques and strategies for helping children of all backgrounds and abilities discover the pleasures of reading and setting them on the road to becoming lifelong readers.
Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever – Best-selling children’s author and internationally respected literacy expert Mem Fox reveals the incredible emotional and intellectual impact reading aloud to children has on their ability to learn to read. With passion and humor, Fox speaks of when, where, and why to read aloud and demonstrates how to read aloud to best effect and get the most out of a read-aloud session.
These printable reading logs are only available to my readers. Click the button below, enter your information, and download your printables.
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Thank you so much for the book log pages. I look so forward to my grandson using these to see just how he is progressing in his reading journey.