My aunt texted me a picture of a fun pumpkin craft a few weeks ago, and I knew right away that Emma would love it! I was right. We went to Michaels that weekend, and purchased a white pumpkin and a new box of crayons. I don’r really know why she wanted a brand new box, but I was in a “yes” mood that day so we bought new crayons.
The only supplies we needed were our white pumpkin, a box of crayons {or old broken ones}, white glue, a messy mat, and a hair dryer. So, this makes for a very cheap craft that your kids will love.
We started out trying to hot glue the crayons on to the pumpkin. Yeah, I know. I was melting the crayons instead of adhering them. So, we grabbed our bottle of Elmer’s glue, and started glueing the crayons onto the top of the pumpkin. This is when your kids can personalize their pumpkins. Do they want to only use orange and black for Halloween? Or orange, yellow, and red for autumn? Or, do they prefer a rainbow pumpkin like Emma did?
Once the glue dried, it was time to start melting the crayons. I left it all in Emma’s hands. Be sure to warn your kids to keep their fingers out of the way of the hot air coming from the hair dryer if yours gets really hot. Ours does!
This is a very easy craft to do. Most kids will be able to do it on their own. Just a few notes:
- Do it outdoors if possible, because it is a messy craft.
- If you must do it indoors due to weather {like we did}, use a messy mat. If you’re messy mat isn’t very big, spread some newspaper around your work area.
- If the angle of the hairdryer is “off,” you could find that it blows melted wax around your work space. We did end up having to scrape some melted wax off of Emma’s desk.
- If your child waves the dryer around, he will end up mixing the colors resulting in a muddy brown color. This may bother some children.
This looks really awesome. I just might have to try this with my daughter. I have been wanting to melt crayon on canvas to make some sort of design but we haven’t tried it yet. I like that this is more of a keepsake and you can display it every year. Going to pin this 🙂
Those are beautiful! I love the vibrant colors dripping down the sides of the pumpkin. they really stand out on the white color.
Thank you! She had a lot of fun making this.
The canvas craft is on our to-do list, as well. This one is perfect for the fall season so we started with it.
How beautiful! I love how the colors melted together – I would want to keep this pumpkin forever, lol!
Very creative…..festive too! Thanks for sharing!
What a neat idea! My big kids would even like this.
That turned out really pretty! We tried to do one of those melted crayon canvases a few years ago, and it wasn’t nearly as nice as your pumpkin.
Thank you! We want to try the canvas project some day. It’s on my craft “to-do” list.