“You homeschool? I could never do that. I’m not patient enough to homeschool.”
I hear that all the time. But, really, if they could only see me “in action.” Patience is not always the trait I display during out homeschool lessons. Just this past week, I blew up when Emma couldn’t find the subject and predicate of a sentence – again. For real?? We’ve only been doing sentence skeletons f.o.r.e.v.e.r! It wasn’t pretty. It definitely was not my finest moment, and I certainly didn’t display patience.
Some days, I’m rocking my homeschool hat! Some days, I’m really not. But, is my lack of patience a reason “not” to homeschool? I don’t think so. I just need to regroup and reset my day {or week} – and Emma’s. Every day that we wake up determined to homeschool another day is our own little do-over.
I feel that God has called me to homeschool my daughter {and my sons before her}. And, even though we have days that are far from perfect, I have not felt the urging to call it quits. I believe that God gives me grace on bad days, and that He gives me the strength I need to get up the next morning and start all over again on those days I’d rather curl up under the covers and hide.
Em and I have days when we butt heads. I’m passionate about homeschooling, and I want it to go well for us. She is a people pleaser, and she wants to do things ‘right.’ Learning new things is tough, and sometimes recalling old knowledge is, too. Sometimes, I feel like she’s taking too long to master a concept, and I accuse her of goofing off. Sometimes, she misunderstands instructions, and she thinks I’m being too hard when she has to do corrections. Some days, one or the other of us is grumpy because we didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Attitudes can clash. There are days that are so tough that we have to put the books away and have a heart-to-heart.
However, if I gave in to my impatience, I would miss out on so much. I would miss out on those moments when Emma pops her head up and says, “Mom, guess what?” I’d miss out on those little tidbits about her day and her friends and her outside classes that she wants to share with me. I would miss out on those moments when she discovers something so interesting in her readings that she needs to share them with me right now. I would miss those moments when things begin to “click” for Emma after struggling with a new {or old} concept. I don’t want to miss out so I push on.
I will wake up in the morning ready to face another homeschool day. I will hope that I’ll be patient with Emma, and I will hope that she’ll be patient with me. If so, I’ll give us each a mental high-five at the end of the day. If not, someone will need to apologize. We’ll need to regroup and reset. And, we’ll wake up the following day hoping all over again. I’m dedicated to homeschooling on the good days and the bad. That is why my patience, or lack of it, will not stand in my way.
Michelle Cannon says
I’m sure this post is very encouraging to others who think they’re not patient enough! Thanks for joining the #laughlearnlinkup.
Katie Wassink says
The title of this grabbed me, because, well it fits my line of thinking. As my oldest started Pre-K this year I am torn with this decision and still on the fence as to whether or not it was the right decision. Homeschooling is something to consider, as long as i could have the patience;) #laughlearnlinkup
Cathy - Life's Hidden Treasures says
I used to be one of those moms that said I was not patient enough to homeschool….but God laid it on my heart, so I gave in, quit my job, and pulled my son out of school….it was the best decision ever!! I have lots of days that I am not patient enough, but more often then not, I love our homeschool days 🙂
admin says
That’s exactly how I feel! Bless you for following God’s lead.
Jen says
Yes! So true for me. Sometimes I feel like the most impatient mom. But those crazy days are so worth the amazing days. Thanks for sharing and joining our link-up!
admin says
Those amazing days sure make everything worth it, huh?
Dawnita says
I always have people telling me, “I could NEVER homeschool because I don’t have enough patience.” LOL Well… If patience was a prerequisite, I wouldn’t have even started! It’s a process and homeschooling is one of the best testers and growers of it. 🙂
admin says
No doubt! I’m glad there was no “patience” test involved!
Veronica says
I can completely relate to this post. Sometimes I feel so guilty for not being as patient as I should, but I am learning right alongside my son. Homeschooling is a process, and it has been one of the most challenging and wonderful commitments we have made as a family. Each day is new. I love that we can move forward and grow a little bit each day.
admin says
Homeschooling is certainly as challenging as it is rewarding. Blessings to you on your journey!