It’s that time of year again. The time when homeschool mommas are wrapping up the current school year and looking ahead to the next one. I know that I’ve been packing up our books and filing away papers as we finish up each subject.
I’ve also been looking around to see what resources are available to make planning for next year easy. I’ve picked out our curriculum, and the boxes have started to arrive. I’ve browsed through the books as I open each box, and I’m getting a little excited to start planning for next year.
I found a fun new online planner that I’m reviewing soon on my other blog {but it’s not free}. However, I need to find a better system for Emma’s daily plans. And, I need to find a way to prepare for library books and project supplies. I want to share with you some of the amazing {and FREE} planning resources I’ve found in my search.
Free Homeschool Planning Resources
Teacher Planners
- Living Well Spending Less has a great set of planner pages that includes goal-setting sheets, quarterly plans, and cover pages.
- Free Homeschool Deals has a 30-page Unit Study planner.
- From ABCs to ACTs has a comprehensive homeschool planner complete with supply list pages, reading logs, weekly and monthly planning pages, and more.
- Homegrown Hearts Academy has a fun unit study planner.
- My Joy-Filled Life has a set of planning pages for her subscribers that includes year-at-a-glance, weekly student assignment sheets, attendance tracker, grade record, and more.
Student Planners
- Ed Snapshots has two free student checklists – one for a 4-day schedule and one for a 5-day schedule.
- The Crafty Classroom has two free weekly homeschool calendars – one for girls and one for boys.
- New Bee Homeschooler has a free customizable student planner with lots of options!
- Overcoming Busy has a daily homeschool agenda printable to foster independence.
- Peace Creek on the Prairie has several planner pages including a preschool-1st grade planning page and a student assignment sheet.
Everything Else
- Vicki Arnold has some homeschool curriculum planning pages that she created to coordinate with The Ultimate Homeschool Planner.
- Donna Young has free printable Grade Keepers and Report Cards.
- Just Mommies also has a free report card form.
- Alicia at Vibrant Homeschooling has a great set of planning pages. Subscribe now for access to them all!
- Year Round Homeschooling has a Homeschool Curriculum Shopping Pack which includes shopping lists, research lists, and more.
What type of planner do you use to do your homeschool planning?
If you are still shopping for summer learning resources or for next year’s curriculum, be sure to check out the discounted educational products on sale at Educents!
Thank you for including my pages!!
Thank you for including my Free Unit Study Planner!
Thank you Tara for including my shopping pack! 🙂
This is a great resource list. Definitely Pin worthly.
I enjoy using some of Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus for some of my planning pages.
I use all free planning pages in my teacher binder. I use multiple different types of forms to create a unique planner that works for me.
I also enjoy using the downloadable planner from The Old Schoolhouse. It isn’t normally free but last year they offered it free for a few days. If it’s free again, I urge everyone to grab it. It is worth paying for I might add.
Thank you for your resources.