Mother’s Day is just around the corner. On May 10, we’ll celebrate all of Mom’s hard work and dedication. There really is no way to put in to words how much I love my children. Many of the picture books I collected as the kids were younger tried to do just that. I loved reading books like Runaway Bunny and Guess How Much I Love You
to my little ones while sharing with them just how much I loved each of them. Right up to the moon and back!
Here’s a list of books about mommies that you can share with your little ones. Maybe you’ll fid some family favorites on this list. And, just maybe, you’ll find a new favorite that will tug at your heart strings and find a place on your bookshelf.
Picture Books About Moms
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Counting Kisses: A Kiss & Read Book
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What NOT to Give Your Mom on Mother’s Day
Now, let’s get on to this week’s What to Read Wednesday link-up! Last week’s most clicked post was Character-Building Books Every Family Needs. This week, I’m featuring the following posts that were linked-up last week:
- Five Ways to Interest Children in Reading at The Tansy Patch
- Young Readers Book Lesson Plans and Activities at Mosswood Connections
If you have a children’s literature post you’d like to share, please link up with us. Share what you’ve been reading with your kiddos. Do you have a fun book-based activity or printable? Share it with us. You may find yourself featured next week!
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Yes, there are many books we read so frequently that I could recite them instead of read them.